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Fighting for Anti-Pandemic Cause, Foton Opens Relief Supplies “Lifeline” in South Africa


Foton in Action for Global Anti-Pandemic Cause
FOTON AUMARK Transports Living Supplies for Residents in Tembisa, South Africa

Pioneering for Anti-Pandemic Campaign


On April 27, one AUMARK van truck stopped near one residential community in Tembisa, South Africa. The crowd in the largest settlement area in South Africa gathered around the truck. Following the opening of the compartment doors, the foods and living supplies in diversified kinds were distributed to the crowd under the assistance of the staff. These love supplies were donated by VAALFARM on behalf of South Africa - China Economic and Trade Association to local people.

Since the implementation of lockdown policy in South Africa, many poor residents were impaired from maintaining normal living. The local Siyazigabisa orphanage offered foods to more than 500 local poor residents. At present, this orphanage is incapable of normal operation and in need of social aids.
To help the supply of resources to this orphanage as soon as possible, New Hope (South Africa), one council member of South Africa - China Economic and Trade Association, cooperated with VAALFARM to supply and transport the vegetables to local residents by VAALFARM. Previously, it has donated relief supplies for several times in succession. This time, undertaking the caring and greetings to local residents, AUMARK trucks transported the living supplies worthy of 100,000 Rand to Tembisa. These supplies will be donated to Siyazigabisa orphanage and super-poverty-stricken families respectively.



Deep Favor from Excellent Quality

Since the entry into South African market, Foton has been favored by the local Sino-invested enterprises in South Africa. The Sino-invested VAALFARM is one of the first batch enterprises using Foton trucks. Living up to the expectations, Foton light-duty trucks frequently transported full-load goods among Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg, and Durban and created considerable economic benefits, with the daily average operation mileage in excess of 100km during the subsequent daily operations.

Undertaking anti-pandemic mission

Constructed with raging pandemic and 28-day complete lockdown, the local residents became increasingly poor. The overseas Chinese and the Sino-invested institutions from all walks of life in South Africa proactively plunged into the anti-pandemic campaign. As one pioneer of Chinese truck technologies, Foton transported the living supplies donated to local residents by VAALFARM to Tembisa for many times to successfully complete the anti-pandemic supplies rescue mission.



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